The PrimeTime Extended Day Program, provides elementary and middle school students with a fun and engaging learning environment during the hours most parents/guardians are working. Parents/guardians can feel comfortable knowing their children are not only receiving professional academic support, but are also interacting with peers in a physically and emotionally safe environment. Students can "get in the Zone" in the PrimeTime environment by participating in structured activities with their friends. Arts, music, athletics, and cooperative team-building games, are just a few of the invigorating activities children will participate in during the prime part of the day. PrimeTime is offered at 132 schools citywide serving more than 20,000 students each year.
Why PrimeTime?
PrimeTime is designed by experts in child development, education and youth leadership. PrimeTime creates a physically and emotionally safe environment conducive to learning while improving reading, writing, verbal, math, science, social and communication skills. At most schools, programs are funded to serve approximately 85-100 students per school day at the elementary level and 100-300 students per school day at the middle school level. PrimeTime adds a strong youth development focus, including life skills, positive communication, conflict resolution, goal setting and decision making.
PrimeTime program leaders and staff have experience and/or receive training in the areas of child development and youth programs. Our PrimeTime team is comprised of a diverse team of talented individuals, many are college students or graduates in the teaching field who enjoy making a positive impact on today's youth.
Eligibility and Enrollment
Families with children enrolled in San Diego Unified School District schools are eligible to apply if their school of attendance is offering a PrimeTime program. PrimeTime is free to all participating families.At many program sites, demand exceeds capacity; therefore, enrollment is based on need and compliance to the attendance policy. Families will be contacted when they have been selected for an available opening. Children who apply but are not enrolled will be placed on a wait list. To be considered for enrollment, you must complete a PrimeTime Extended Day Program Application, available at each school offering a program or online.Applications will be reviewed and prioritized based on a rating system.
Open for Fun and Learning - Hours of Operation
PrimeTime operates every regular school day.Parents/guardians may choose to have their child(ren) attend the before school and/or after school program.

Before School Zone
PrimeTime is available before school hours at most, but not all schools, and start times vary among schools.Before school programs operate for a minimum of 90 minutes.Students are expected to attend everyday for the full range of program hours.